A file system is an organization of data and metadata on a storage device. 文件系统是对一个存储设备上的数据和元数据进行组织的机制。
The example cluster uses three networks: one for management/ data ( the compute network), one for the clustered file system ( the storage network), and one for administrative device management. 示例集群使用三个网络:一个用于管理/数据(计算网络),一个用于集群文件系统(存储网络),一个用于管理性设备的管理。
Associating a file system to a storage device in Linux is a process called mounting. 在Linux中将一个文件系统与一个存储设备关联起来的过程称为挂装(mount)。
The storage pool is a collection of one or more entries that consist of a raw device, a cooked file, or a directory. 存储池是包含原始设备、熟文件(cookedfile)或目录的一个或多个条目的集合。
In one, the client sits on a server of its own and commands a network file server to back up to a locally attached storage device. 其中一个就是,客户位于自己的服务器上,并命令网络文件服务器备份到本地连接的存储设备。
Design and Implementation of File System for Content Aware Storage Device 基于内容存储设备文件系统的设计与实现
Name the file and save it to an external storage device such as a blank CD or floppy disk, and store it in a safe place. 命名文件并将它保存至外部存储设备(如空白光盘或软盘),然后存放在安全的地方。
The standard was developed to address the fact that network file servers are not able to use the storage device drivers designed for general-purpose computers. 此标准的开发是针对这样一个事实,即网络文件服务器不能使用为通用计算机设计的存储设备驱动程序。
Research on Metadata Management of Parallel File System Build on Shared Object-based Storage Device 共享对象存储并行文件系统的元数据管理研究
Network storage offers some solutions for the mass data storage. For the LAN of small enterprises, acting as a file server, a Linux-based Network-Attached Storage Device ( NASD) is developed to resolve the problem of data centralized storage. 针对中小型企业的局域网,该文提出在成熟的IP网络中配置附网存储设备(NASD,Network-AttachedStorageDevice)作为企业数据集中存储的解决方案。
In the traditional operating system, there are two data memory models, one is the process virtual address space that is constructed at the level of main memory, and the other is the file that is constructed at the level of exterior storage device. 传统操作系统分别在内存和外存这两个层次上为用户构造了两种数据存储模型:进程逻辑空间和文件。
Access control module of the removable storage device prevents copying files from computer peripheral equipment through a file filter driver attached on the file system of the Windows OS which can head off requests of accessing the removable storage device. 移动存储设备访问控制模块通过在Windows的文件系统之上附加一层文件过滤驱动程序来拦截对移动存储设备的访问请求,达到防止文件通过计算机外设被非法拷贝的目的。
Though many object-based storage device file systems use traditional local file systems to organize objects, the special-purposed object-based storage device file systems have better performance. 许多对象文件系统利用传统本地文件系统管理对象,而结合了对象访问特点的专用对象文件系统具有更好的性能。
That is to say, under the support of bottom layer encapsulation, the file system can be established in the storage device. It can design and carry out the storage management strategy to achieve convenient and effective data management. 也即在底层封装的支持下,在存储设备中建立文件系统,设计并实现相应的存储管理策略,以达到高效方便的管理存储数据的目的。
However, the platform uses static link to load the program as well as all the terminal application and the kernel are compiled with binary file to the non-volatile storage device. 但是,该平台采用静态链接加载程序,将所有终端应用程序和系统内核一起编译成二进制文件下载到非易失性的存储设备上运行。